NC Gather
Most Sundays Neighborhood Church meets in groups (in a home) throughout our community. Once a month all of our groups Gather together for a time to reconnect - kind of like a family reunion. We would love to have you!
Where do we meet?
Neighborhood Church does not own a building, however, we do have a great partnership with Horizon Church in Reisterstown (14 E Chatsworth Ave), and they allow us to meet once a month in their building.
What to Expect
Share a Meal
We start each Gather event with a meal. Each family contributes a side to share and the church will provide the main dish. Sharing a meal is important to us because we value community. Eating food together creates a common place for everyone to connect on a deeper level, build relationships, and meet someone new. This is not a concept we came up with at Neighborhood Church. The first Christians gathered together on a regular basis to sit down and eat together (Acts 2:46, Luke 14: 12-14, John 21:12, Matthew 26:20, Acts 11:3), so this time of slowing down and enjoying good conversation is what we strive to do as well. If you are a first time guest, no need to bring anything, please just come and let us host you and your family.
Communion/The Lord’s Supper
This ordinance is very important to the church. We are remembering the great price Christ paid for us as we take the cup (grape juice), and the bread (cracker), and think of Christ’s body that was broken, and His blood that was shed. His sacrifice has great meaning and greatly impacts our life today.
A gifted musician(s) leads the group in singing songs of praise to God. This is not like a music concert where we sit and marvel at their talent and ability, but direct our focus so that we marvel at who God is!
Time of Prayer
We have an intentional time of prayer, focusing our attention on the Lord. It might be led by one by person, or the group, but we are dependent on the Lord and this time of prayer reflects that.
Time in the Word
Each week, a leader or pastor of Neighborhood Church will take some time to teach and explain a particular passage from the Bible. As Christians, we strive to be more like Christ, and this comes from spending time in God's Word.