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Discovery Bible Study

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What is Discovery Bible Study (DBS)?

Read the Bible Together. Discover it's meaning. Live it out.

You are invited to join neighbors in your community who are interested in learning more about the Bible together.

Learn more about DBS method, and watch the video from Pastor Mark. We would love to have you! 

Interested in joining a DBS study?

If you are ready to join a community DBS, or would like more information, please fill out the form below, or reach out to Pastor Mark!

DBS Sign Up

I plan to attend:
Ladies DBS @ Chick-fil-A
Guys DBS @ Dunkin Donuts
Note sure, but I would like to learn more.
Neighborhood Church
"Neighbors helping neighbors as Jesus helps us."
Meets Sundays, 6:15pm at 
14 E. Chatsworth Ave, Reisterstown
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